Nekaj dni nazaj sem dobila novo pošiljko lakov za nohte iz spletne stani Čarodejka. Naročila sem najboljši nadlak ever - Essie Good to go, ker je prva flaška že zdavnaj izpuhtela..., Essie Blue Rhapsody in Essie True love. :) Želela sem naročiti še Essie Splash of grenadine, ker mi je ta zamolkel barbi roza odtenek rees top, in Essie Nothing else metals, ki je iz iste kolekcije kot Blue rhapsody, vendar na žalost nista bila na zalogi :(
Some days ago I got a shipment of nail polishes from Čarodejka. I ordered the best topcoat ever - Essie Good to go, because my first bottle was spent long time ago..., Essie Blue rhapsody and Essie True love. :) I wanted to buy Essie Splash of grenadine (because I really love this muffled barbie pink color) and Essie Nothing else metals (which is from the same collection as Blue rhapsody), too. But at my sadness, they weren't on stock :(
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Essie Blue rhapsody - left in the shade, right on the sun |
Zelo težko sem čakala kdaj bo prišla kolekcija metallic lakov :) Všeč mi je, ker imajo zelo drobne bleščice in dajejo kovinski videz. Najbolj mi je všeč tale in Nothing else metals, na katerega še čakam, da bo na voljo :) Lak je zelo prekriven, zadostuje le en nanos. Odlično se obnese tudi kot stamping lak! Drugače pa priporočam, da spodaj uporabite še plast podlaka, sicer se vidijo "nohtne črtice"...sem bila malo lena pa sem ta korak izpustila :( Za okras sem dodala še rožice iz Konad platke M26, nadlaka pa nisem uporabila, saj sem se bala, da bi se metallic videz uničil...kasneje sem sprobala tudi z nadlakom, pa se je dobro obneslo :D
I hardly waited the time, when will come metallic collection. :) I like these fine glitters which give metallic look. I like this one and Nothing else metals the most. I am waiting the last one will be on stock in Čarodejka shop. :) This polish is very pigmented, just one coat is enough! It is super as stamping polish, too! Otherwise I recommend that you use a basecoat before, because if don't, the ridges of nails will be seen...I was so lazy and I skipped this step :( I added the flowers from Konad M26 plate for decoration and I didn't apply the topcoat, because I feared that then the metallic look won't be like it have to be. But later I tried with Good to go and it was OK :D
Essie True love - in the shade |
Some time ago I watched photos of my old manicures...I saw the one with a polish that was light baby pink color. I immediatedly knew that I have to buy a new polish for french manicure, because I had lost my first one. I wanted it is a little bit transparent - with jelly finish and has light baby pink color. I really like the shade but the polish has one weakness - for this look I polished 4 coats...but because it dries fast and it has great color, I forgive it :D It doesn't look like it has to on my nails, because they are yellowed of non-stop polishing :( For decoration I used a pattern from old Essence stamping plate and Essence stamp me! white. At the end I used a coat of Essie Good to go to protect the manicure. ;)