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nedelja, 28. avgust 2011

Butterfly manicure

Ta lakec sem zadela na giveawayu od Tinna's nails! Res mi je lep, take pastelne marelične barve :) Za popestritev sem dodala metuljčke iz Essence šablone, in sicer črne in srebrne barve. Na koncu sem uporabila še nadlak Essie Good to go :)

I won this polish on Tinna's nails giveaway! I really like it. This color is like apricots. :) To enrichment I added butterflies from Essence image plate. They are in black and silver color. To finish my nails I used topcoat Essie Good to go :)

petek, 29. julij 2011

Ker mi je tale Mesmerize lakec še vedno tako pri srcu, sem se odločila, da tudi tokrat naredim manikuro s tem lepotcem. :) Za piko na i sem mu dodala še bele rožice iz Essence šablonice. 

This polish Mesmerize is really near my heart, I decided that I does the manicure with this beauty polish. :) I added some white flowers from Essence image plate.

Essence šablonica in lak za odtisnjevanje Stamp me! white. Šablonica je zeloooo spraskana, ker imam tisti rožast vzorček zares rada ;) Precej je pa krivo tudi zelo slabo strgalo od Essence, vendar sem si že nekaj časa nazaj nabavila novega, Konadovega, ki dela "kot urica".

Essence image plate and Essence stampy polish Stamp me! white. Image plate is soooo scraped, because I really like this flower pattern ;) It's scraped because the scraper from Essence is very bad, too. I bought new, from Konad, and it scrapes really good!

Thank you for reading! :D

nedelja, 24. julij 2011


V petek sem videla mail in skoraj nisem mogla verjeti svojim očem...prvič sem zmagala na giveawayu!!! Tini se še enkrat zahvaljujem za njeno darilo, zelo sem bila vesela!

On Friday I saw my email and I didn't believe my eyes... I won my first giveaway!!! Tina, thank you for the gift again, I was very happy!

Here you can see the gift:

torek, 14. junij 2011

Polka dot manicure :)

Pozdravljeni! Se opravičujem, ker že nekaj časa nisem objavljala... imela sem veliko dela s šolo, zato nisem našla časa, da bi z vami delila svoje manikure :(

Tokrat sem se odločila, da si bom naredila manikuro z belim lakom in robom, ki ima pikice ;) Meni so pike zelo všeč, pa tudi letošnji modni trend so :) Tole je končen izgled:

Hi! Sorry, I don't publish some times... I have a lot of work with school, therefore I can't find any time to show you my manicures :(

This time I decided to do a manicure with white polish and dotted tips ;) I really like dots and they are a fashion trend this year :) This is final appearance:

Za odtis pikic sem uporabila Konad ploščico M45.

For stamp dots tip on nails I used Konad plate M45.

Laka Maybelline Mini colo rama sta zelo pigmentirana. Kot vedno, pa sem uporabila tudi nadlak Essie Good to go, saj sem želela zaščititi tako pikice kot ostalo površino :D

Polishes Maybelline Mini colo rama are both very pigmented. As always, I used topcoat Essie Good to go, because I wanted to protect such dots as all the nail :D

torek, 10. maj 2011

Pri tej manikuri sem uporabila podlak Deborah, lak Essie Mesmerize ter nadlak Essie Good to go. :) Da bi izgled tega lepega laka še polepšala, sem na nohte odtisnila še rožast vzorček.

For this manicure I used basecoat Deborah, nail polish Essie Mesmerize and topcoat Essie Good to go. I wanted to make that great polish more beautiful, therefore I stamped to nails flower pattern. 

Za odtis sem uporabila tole plato od Essence ter strgalo Konad. :) Vse tiste, ki imate Essence strgalo in vam ne postrga lepo, vam toplo priporočam, da si ga kupite od Konada tukaj. Jaz imam takega z železnim strgalom, sedaj so pa na voljo tudi taki s plastičnim strgalom, ki ne opraskajo plate. Cena niti ni tako visoka, stane 2,5€.

I used this image plate from Essence and scraper from Konad. Everyone who have Essence scraper and it scrapes bad, I recommend that you buy it from Konad. I have such a metal scraper. You can also buy one that has plastic scraper (it don't scratches the plate). 

Za odtis sem uporabila pigmentiran, zato namenjen lak Essence stampy polish.

For stamp it on nail I used pigmented Essence stampy polish.

ponedeljek, 2. maj 2011

Tokrat sem se odločila, da naredim manikuro s črnim holo lakom :) Uporabila sem Deborah Shine tech 18. Da bi nohte popestrila, sem jih potiskala s tigrastim vzorčkom iz plate Konad M57. Vzroček sem odtisnila s pomočjo laka Essence Stampy polish.

I decided to make manicure with black holo nail polish, so I used Deborah Shine tech 18. :) I wanted to enrich my nails, therefore I stamped them with tiger patern from Konad M57.  For stamping I used Essence Stampy polish.

Tako izgleda ta holografski lakec. Vem, da slika ni najboljša, saj sem fotografirala s pomočjo luči :(

That's how looks this holographic polish. The picture isn't good, because I took this photo when a lihgt was lit.

ponedeljek, 18. april 2011

Tokrat sem za podlago uporabila bel lak Maybelline, ki je zelo pigmentiran. S Konad ploščico M57 sem dodala čipkast vzorček. Kot nadlak pa sem dvakrat nanesla Konad Princess Nail (glitter pink topcoat). Takole izgleda kombinacija vsega skupaj :)

For basis I used white pigmented nail polish from Maybelline. Then I stamped a lace pattern with Konad plate M57. For top coat I varnished Konad Princess Nail (glitter pink topcoat) twice. That looks like a combination of all used nail polishes. :)

To so lakci ki sem jih uporabila za tokratno manikuro. 

These are nail polishes I have used for this manicure.

torek, 29. marec 2011

Takole izgleda lak Essie-Mesmerize in bleščeči krogci z nadlakom Essie-Good to go. :)

That's how it looks nail polish Essie-Mesmerize with glittering circles. I finnished it with topcoat Essie-Good to go. :)

Steklenička vsebuje kar veliko laka, 15 ml. V Sloveniji se ga da kupiti v spetni trgovini Cena je sicer kar visoka, vendar se zelo izplača, saj je lak dolgo obstojen, se hitro suši in je zelo pigmentiran. . . ocenila bi ga s +5.

Bottle contains quite a lot of nail polish, 15 ml. The price for it is quite high, but it is worth it. The polish is long lasting, quick dry and highly pighmentated . . . My opinion for it is +A.

Kot podlak sem uporabila utrjevalec nohtov znamke Deborah, nato 1 plast laka Essie Mesmerize, na koncu pa še sloj nadlaka Essie Good to go. Ta nadlak je presegel vsa moja pričakovanja. :) Zelo ga priporočam, saj je prav tako dolgo obstojen in se zelo zelo hitro suši, hkrati pa suši tudi spodnje plasti nanosov. Res je super :)

I used Deborah basecoat, than I varnished one coat of nail polish Essie-Mesmerize. And at the end one coat  Essie-Good to go. This polish has exceeded all my expectations. I highly recommend it, because it is long lasting, fast drying and it drys lower coats, too. It is great, indeed.